29 October 2018

Say that you have declared a variable like this:


25 October 2018

Say that your system is still on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04. From time to time you may have encountered this problem: There is a Python package that you want to install, but it turns out that this requires a newer version of setuptools than you have installed on your system.


18 April 2017

Magit is an extremely helpful Emacs extension to do Git tasks from within the editor. Prefer Vim to Emacs, you say? Fear not: there is an ongoing effort to create a similar plugin for Vim, called Vimagit.


01 December 2015

Tig is a console Git client, and it is probably the best one there is, too! You can read more about it over at the Atlassian Blogs. It is available for Windows as part of Cygwin. Here is a receipe for installing it standalone, without the entire Cygwin setup.


20 April 2015

Shared computation resources can easily get crowded as everyone log on and start their jobs. Running above full load will cause excess context switching and in worst case swapping, resulting in sub-optimal performance. We would then benefit from running the tasks ordered in a more optimal manner. Coordinating this is a job which could be left to the machine itself.